中医经络系统中肿瘤干细胞及其干细胞巢的起源与进化——脊椎动物干细胞巢模型的演变及其意义origin and evolution of tumor stem cells and theirniches in the meridian system of traditional chinese medicine—evolution and significance of a vertebrate stem cell niche model
汉斯预印本 , april 15 2022, , , doi: 被引量
中医经络系统中肿瘤干细胞及其干细胞巢的起源与进化——脊椎动物干细胞巢模型的演变及其意义origin and evolution of tumor stem cells and their niches in the meridian system of traditional chinese medicine—evolution and significance of a vertebrate stem cell niche model
中医学 vol.11 no.4, july 1 2022, , , doi: