










2007 博士,北京航空航天大学获得计算机应用

1989 硕士,中科院沈阳计算所取得计算数学

1985 学士,辽宁大学数学系计算数学



  1. xiaoyuan yang, shi yan, the lifting factorization of wavelet bi-frames with arbitrary generator,  submitted to mathematics and computers in simulation (sci 源刊).接受
  2. yan shi ,xiaoyuan yang ,the lifting factorization of wavelet bi-frames with arbitrary generators and scaling, ieee transactions on image processingsci 源刊),接受
  3. xiaoyuan yang, jie min, yan shi, parametrisation construction frame of lifting scheme, iet singal processing (sci 源刊)vol 5(1), pp1-15,2011
  4. yuahua guo, xiaoyuan yang(杨小远), lp(p > 1) convergence results for particle filtering journal of  computational  analysis and applications (sci 源刊) vol. 13, no.7, 1309-1318, 2011
  5. xiaoyuan yang,etc, construction of parameterizations of masks fortight wavelet frames with two symmetric/antisymmetric generators andapplication in the image compression and denosing ,  journal of computational and applied mathematics (sci 源刊). 2352011pp2112-2136
  6. xiaoyuan yang,a general framework of construction of bi-orthogonal wavelets based on bernstein bases: theory analysis and application in image compression.  iet computer vision (sci 源刊). 2011.vol.5,iss.1,pp50-67
  7. xiaoyuan yang, yan shi, the lifting scheme for wavelet bi-frames: theory , structure, andalgorithm, ieee transactions on image processingsci 源刊)vol. 19, no. 3, pp.612-624, 2010
  8. xiaoyuan yang, yuanyuan duan, a posteriori error estimates for finite element approximation of unsteady incompressible stochastic navier- stokes equations, siam journal on numerical analysissci 源刊), vol.48, no.4, pp 1579-1600,2010
  9. xiaoyuan yang, etc, lifting construction based on bernstein bases and application inimage compression, iet image processing, 2010, vol.4, iss.5,pp385-402
  10. yuanyuan duan , xiaoyuan yang(杨小远),on the convergence of full discretization scheme for the stochastic navier-stokes equation, journal of  computational  analysis and applications (sci 源刊) vol.13,no.3 (2011) pp 485-498

