

张学梅,理学博士,华北电力大学数理学院副教授,硕士生导师。20159-20169月到university of new england(australia)访问杜一宏教授。一直从事非线性泛函分析的理论研究、线性算子方程和非线性算子方程可解性的研究工作,积累了很多与项目相关的科研资料,并取得了一系列相关研究成果,分别发表在《calc. var. partial differentialequations》、《commun. contemp. math.》、《nonlinear anal.》、《j. math. anal. appl.》、《appl. math. letters》、《math.comput. modelling》和《应用数学学报》等期刊上,共发表论文50余篇,其中40余篇被sci收录,在科学出版社出版专著2部,研究成果已被引用近千次。2012 年,申请人和冯美强教授合作解决了发表在《j. math. anal. appl.2010 367卷上的一个猜想,并把研究结果发表在《j. math. anal. appl.2012 年第395 卷上。这项成果在国际上受到了广泛关注,特别是被台湾清华大学的shin-hwa wang科研团队推广并发表在《j. diff. equation2014257卷上。主持并完成国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项;参加并完成国家自然科学基金2项;参加并完成北京市自然科学基金一项。




  1. xuemei zhang, yihong du, sharp conditions for the existence of boundary blow-up solutions to the  monge-ampère  equation, calculus of variations and partial differential equations, 2018,57: 1-24(sci收录)
  2. xuemei zhang, meiqiangfeng, boundary blow-up solutions to the k-hessian equation with singular weights, nonlinear anal. 2018,167: 51-66(sci收录)
  3. xuemei zhang, meiqiangfeng, bifurcation diagrams and exact multiplicity of positive solutions of one-dimensional prescribed mean curvature equation in minkowski space, commun.  contemp. math. 2018, doi: 10.1142/s0219199718500037(sci收录)
  4. xuemei zhang,  exact interval of parameter and two infinite families of positive solutions for a nth order impulsive singular equation, j. comput. appl. math. 2018,330: 896-908(sci收录)
  5. xuemei zhang, yafangtian, sharp conditions for the existence of positive solutions for a second-order singular impulsive differential equation, applicable anal.2017, 00036811.2017. 1370542(sci)
  6. xuemei zhang, meiqiangfeng, existence of a positive solution for one-dimensional singular p-laplacian problems and its parameter dependence. j. math. anal. appl. 2014,413: 566-582(sci收录)
  7. xuemei zhang, meiqiangfeng, transformation techniques and fixed point theories to establish the positive solutions of second order impulsive differential equations. j. comput. appl. math. 2014, 271:117 -129 (sci收录)
  8. xuemei zhang, meiqiangfeng, exact number of solutions of a one-dimensional prescribed mean curvature  equation with concave-convex nonlinearities. j. math. anal. appl. 2012,395: 393-402(sci收录)
  9. 张学梅,冯美强,非线性微分方程的可解性理论及其应用,科学出版社,410千字,2015
