





2011年至2012年 博士后,加拿大laval大学 化学工程系

2001年至2006年 博士,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 高分子化学与物理

1996年至2000年 学士,湖南师范大学化学化工学院 应用化学


2018年4月至今      沈阳师范大学,化学化工学院

2012年10月至20183月 福建农林大学,材料工程学院

2007年7月至20119月 南京工业大学,材料工程学院


2018-2020 生物质复合材料的制备及在汽车领域中的应用

2016-2018 碳纳米管的化学修饰及对电磁屏蔽性能的调控研究

2016-2017 新型纳米预涂覆技术在沿海电力设备防盐雾腐蚀的应用研究

2014-2016 基于木材炭化技术制备互穿网络型电磁屏蔽材料及性能调控

2014-2016 电加热地板电热层材料的研制及性能调控2014m560138

2014-2016 木材碳化物/聚合物电磁屏蔽复合材料制备与性能调控研究

2014-2016 碳纳米管/竹塑复合材料电磁屏蔽机制及性能调控

2013-2014 基于双连续相pemfc双极板性能调控研究

2013-2014 纳米纤维素在聚氨脂涂料上的应用研究

2008-2009 高性能pc/pvdf共混物的制备与研究

2013-2016 竹原纤维增强树脂基复合材料制备关键技术及产业化应用

2015-2017 木质隔声和发热新材料制造关键技术与示范


2015    福建省科技进步二等奖

2013-2014 第十六、十七届挑战杯竞赛(福建农林大学) 一等奖/二等奖


  1. jianbin song, huiliang zhang. influence of pearlescent pigments on mechanical properties and crystallization behavior of polylactic acid. iranian polymer journal, 2018, 27(2): 105-114
  2. jianbin song, haibin hu, mingxin zhang, biao huang, and zhanhui yuan. thermal aging properties and electric heating behaviors of carbon fiber paper-based electric heating wood floors. bioresources, 2017, 12(4): 9466-9475
  3. jianbin song, mingxin zhang, zhanhui yuan. electromagnetic interference properties of carbon nanofibers reinforced acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate/natural graphite composites. journal of applied polymer science, 2017: 45455
  4. 国家发明专利:宋剑斌,杨文斌,徐建锋,文月琴,郑峰,环状聚酯cbt/木塑复合材料,zl 201410351724.0
  5. 国家发明专利:杨文斌,宋剑斌,杨越飞,徐建锋,郑峰,文月琴,木塑复合型材养生室,zln201410344306.9
  6. 《高分子结晶和结晶和结构》,莫志深、宋剑斌 等编著,科学出版社,北京,2017
  7. yueqin wen, jianbin song*, jingbing chen, yingying sun, and wenbin yang. synergistic conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of epoxy/carbon fiber and epoxy/carbon black composites via mixing with bamboo charcoal. bioresources, 2017, 12(1), 1288-1299
  8. jianbin song,xueshen liu, yanhua zhang, biao huang and wenbin yang. carbon fiber reinforced acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (asa) composites: mechanical, rheological properties and electrical resistivity. journal of applied polymer science, 2016, 133: 43252
  9. jianbin song, wenbin yang,xueshen liuwenbiao zhang, yanhua zhang. asa/graphite/carbon black composites with improved emi se, conductivity and heat resistance properties, iranian polymer journal2016, 25111-118
  10. jianbin song, quanping yuan, huiliang zhang, biao huang, feng fu. elevated conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of pvdf/petg/carbon fiber composites through incorporating carbon black,journal of polymer research, 2015, 22: 158-166
  11. jianbin song,quanping yuanxueshen liu, dong wang, feng fu, wenbin yang. combination of nitrogen plasma modification and waterbone polyurethane treatment of carbon fiber paper used for electric heating wood floors. bioresources. 2015, 10(3): 5820-5829
  12. jianbin song, jianxun liu, yanhua zhang, lihong chen, yumei zhong, wenbin yang, basalt fiber reinforced pa1012 composites: morphology, mechanical properties, crystallization behaviors, structure and water contact angle, journal of composite materials, 2015, 49(4): 415-424
  13. jianbin song, wenbiao zhang, wenbin yang, jianfeng xu, jiajia lai. rheological properties, morphology, mechanical properties, electrical resistivity and emi se of cyclic butylenes terephthalate/graphite/carbon black composites. journal of polymer research, 2014,21: 556-563
  14. jianbin song, lihong chen, yumei zhong, and wenbin yang,the effect of graphite on water uptake, mechanical properties, morphology and emi se of hdpe/bamboo flour composites. bioresources. 2014, 9(3): 3955-3967
  15. fangbing yu, lihong chen, jianbin song*, qiuning wu, wenbin yang, investigation on hydrophobic modification of bamboo flour surface by means of atom transfer radical polymerization method, wood science and technology, 2014, 48(2): 289-299     
  16. jianbin song, jianxun liu, yanhua zhang, lihong chen, changcheng ma, wenbin yang, pvdf/pmma/basalt fiber composites: morphology, melting and crystallization, structure, mechanical properties and heat resistance, journal of applied polymer science. 2014, 131 (13): 309-325
  17. jianbin song, frej mighri, abdellah ajji, chunhua lu, polyvinylidene fluoride/poly(ethylene terephthalate) conductive composites for proton exchange membrane fuel cell bipolar plates: crystallization, structure, and through-plane electrical resistivity, polymer engineering & science, 2012, 52: 2552-2558
  18. jianbin song, chunhua lu, dan xu, yaru ni, yujian liu, zhongzi xu,jianxun liu.the effect of lanthanum oxide (la2o3) on the structure and crystallization of poly(vinylidene fluoride), polymer international, 2010, 59: 954-960
  19. jianbin song, zhishen mo, chunhua lu, minqiao ren, qiuping zhang, yujian liu, yaru ni,zhongzi xu. the turning point on plots of logφand log t of mo’s equation, polymer international, 2009, 58: 807- 810
  20. jianbin song, huiliang zhang, minqiao ren, qingyong chen, xiaohong sun, shuyun wang, hongfang zhang, zhishen mo, crystal transition of nylon-1212 under drawing and annealing, macromolecular rapid communication, 2005, 26: 487-490
  21. jianbin song, minqiao ren, qingyong chen, xiaohong sun, huiliang zhang, chunlei song, hongfang zhang, zhishen mo. isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of irradiated nylon 1212, journal of polymer science part b: polymer physics, 2005, 43: 2326-2333
  22. jianbin song, qingyong chen, minqiao ren, xiaohong sun, huiliang zhang, hongfang zhang, zhishen mo. the effect of partial melting on the crystallization kinetics of nylon 1212, journal of polymer science part b: polymer physics, 2005, 43: 3222-3230
  23. jianbin song, minqiao ren, chunlei song, shuyun wang, hongfang zhang, zhishen mo, the effect of 60co γ-rays on the structure, melting and crystallization behavior of poly (butylene succinate), polymer international, 2004, 53: 1773-1779
  24. jianbin song, qingyong chen, minqiao ren, xiaohong sun, huiliang zhang, hongfang zhang, shuyun wang, zhishen mo, multiple melting and crystallization behaviors of nylon 1212, chinese journal of polymer science, 2006, 2: 187-193
  25. jianbin song, minqiao ren, qingyong chen, shuyunwang, qingxiang zhao, hongfang zhang, zhishen mo,determination of degree of crystallinity of nylon 1212 by wide-angle x-ray diffraction, chinese journal of polymer science, 2004, 22: 491-496
  26. 宋剑斌,周为民,张明昕,袁占辉:木质素基燃料电池双极板的制备及性能研究,塑料工业,20183147-150
  27. 宋剑斌,梁善庆,张明昕,袁占辉等:cnt基木塑复合材料的力学性能、电磁屏蔽性能:工程塑料应用:2017458):15-19
  28. 宋剑斌,郭锐,郑志伟,张其兴,张明昕,袁占辉:紫外线光固化竹粉/丙烯酸酯复合材料的性能,2017373):283-287
  29. 宋剑斌,袁全平,黄彪,侯俊峰,杨文斌:适宜共混速度改善低密度聚乙烯/竹粉复合材料力学与流变性能,农业工程学报(ei),20153113):309-314
  30. 宋剑斌,黄彪,袁全平,刘学莘:杨文斌:适量木炭粉改善环氧树脂复合材料热/力学性能:农业工程学报(ei),20153114):309-314
  31. 宋剑斌,刘学莘,袁全平,傅峰,杨文斌:茶叶梗/高密度聚乙烯/碳纳米管复合材料流变性能/力学性能/热稳定性研究:塑料工业,2015434):79-82
  32. 宋剑斌,袁全平,张庆新,张绘,傅峰,刘学莘:纳米氮化钛对聚乳酸结构与性能的影响:塑料工业,2015435):63-67
  33. 宋剑斌,文月琴,杨文斌:增容剂对竹粉/hdpe复合材料力学性能及流变性能的影响,塑料工业,20148101-104
  34. 宋剑斌,杨文斌,陈丽红,余方兵,吴秋宁,abs/petg双连续相形态及流变性能研究:塑料工业,20135101-104
  35. 宋剑斌,陈丽红,林姗,余方兵,吴秋宁,杨文斌:结晶度和ph值对pvdf/pet/cb/gr复合材料体积电阻率的影响,塑料工业:2013773-76
  36. 宋剑斌,钟玉梅,陈丽红,杨越飞,杨文斌,双连续相abs/petg共混物的导电性、耐水及耐热性能,塑料工业,20131175-78
  37. 宋剑斌,陈丽红,马长城,刘建勋,杨文斌,玄武岩纤维对pe-hd/竹粉复合材料增强增韧研究,中国塑料,2013748-51
  38. 宋剑斌,马长城,陈丽红,刘建勋,杨文斌,玄武岩纤维增强pvdf/pp/petg共混物及性能的研究,中国塑料,20131134-38
  39. 宋剑斌:张文研:张敦普:黄文娟:陆春华:许仲梓:pla/nylon1212共混物结构与力学性能研究,塑料工业:20113912):19-21
  40. 宋剑斌:刘育建:徐丹:陆春华:许仲梓:尼龙1212/聚偏氟乙烯共混物的结晶行为:南京工业大学学报(自然科学版):2010325):20-23
  41. 吴秋宁,宋剑斌,余方兵,陈丽红,杨文斌:可逆热致变色竹塑复合材料的温度与光响应及热学性能,农业工程学报,201314277-283
  42. minqiao ren; jianbin song; et al. primary and secondary crystallization kinetic analysis of nylon 1212, polymer international, 2004, 53: 1658-1665
  43. minqiao ren, jianbin song, et al. crystallization kinetics and morphology of poly (butylenes succinate-co-adipate), journal of polymer science part b: polymer physics, 2005, 43: 3231-3241
  44. qing-xin zhang; jianbin song; et al. effect of polyoxyethylene nonylphenol on dynamic mechanical properties and crystallization of polypropylene, polymer, 2005, 46: 11820-11828   
  45. qingxin zhang, jianbin song, et al. structural analysis of pekekk(t/i) using waxd, imaging plates and saxs, chinese journal of polymer science,2004, 22: 379-387
  46. 余方兵,宋剑斌,等,竹粉接枝改性提高竹塑复合材料的力学性能,农业工程学报,20132923):79-85
  47. minqiao ren, qingyong chen, jianbin song, et al. crystallization kinetics and melting behavior of syndiotactic 1, 2-polybutadiene, journal of polymer science part b: polymer physics, 2005, 43: 553-561
  48. minqiao ren, zhishen mo, qingyong chen, jianbin song, et al. crystallization kinetics and morphology of nylon 1212, polymer, 2004, 45: 3511-3518
  49. zhihao zhang, qiang shi, juan peng jianbin song, et al. partial delamination of the organo-mont morillonite with surfactantcontaining hydroxyl groups in maleated poly(propylene carbonate), polymer, 2006, 47: 8548-8555
  50. wenjuan huang; chunhua lu; chenfei jiang; wei wang; jianbin song; y et al. controlled synthesis of nayf4 nanoparticles and upconversion properties of nayf4:yb, er(tm)/fc transparent nanocomposite thin films,journal of colloid and interface science, 2012, 376: 34-39
  51. dan, xu, chunhua, lu, dunpu, zhang, jianbin, song, et al. fabrication and optical properties of self-assembled films with micro needlelike arrays under magnetic field, materials letters, 2012, 71: 94-97
  52. le chen, chunhua lu, yuanzheng zhao, yaru ni, jianbin song, zhongzi xu. infrared emissivities and microwave absorption properties of perovskite sm 0.5sr0.5co1−xfexo3 (0≤x≤0.5),journal of alloys and compounds, 2011, 509: 8756-8760
  53. wenyan zhang, chunhua lu, yaru ni, jianbin song, et al. heat-treat temperature effect on the micro-structure and optical properties of dy2(wo4)3 powders, journal of wuhan university of technology, 2013, 28(5): 862-867
  54. 任敏巧,莫志深,陈庆勇,张宏放,宋剑斌等,间规12-聚丁二烯的非等温结晶动力学, 高分子学报,20053374-378
  55. 陆春华,张秋平,谭伟民,宋剑斌等,碳纳米管在氟碳树脂中的分散及其对光学性能的影响,涂料工业,20093936-39
  56. 谭伟民,陆春华,王李军,王留方,宋剑斌等,碳纳米管掺杂激光隐身涂层的制备及性能研究,涂料工业,2011411-4
  57. 姜晓伟,宋剑斌等,多壁碳纳米管丙酮分散液的制备及其分散稳定性研究,绝缘材料,2011, 449-1219
  58. 徐丹,陆春华,张敦谱,宋剑斌等,纳米fe3o4/氟碳树脂磁场诱导自组装抗反射薄膜的制备及表征,南京工业大学学报(自然科学版),20123411-158
