在复合材料、纳米材料结构设计与构效关系的研究中,建立了利用廉价的天然矿物材料制备新型功能材料的新体系,在复合材料、纳米材料的制备、表征与性能等方面做出了系列工作。在journal of physical chemistry b, applied clay
sciences, materials chemistry and physics和journal alloys and compounds等杂志上发表sci论文20余篇,申请中国发明专利16项(其中6项已经授权)。
aidong tang, linna su, chuanchang li,
wei, wei. effect of mechanical activation on acid-leaching of kaolin residue
[j]. applied clay science, 2010, 48(3): 296
aidong tang, yu xiao, jin ouyang.
preparation,photocatalytic activity of cuprous oxide nanocrystallites with
different sizes [j]. journal alloys and compounds, 2007, 457, (1-2): 447-451
aidong tang, huaming yang, xiangchao zhang.
mechanochemical route to synthesize co3o4/cuo composite nanopowder.
international journal of physical sciences. 2006, 1(2): 101-105
aidong tang. kelong huang. structure
and electrochemical properties of li1 yni0.5alxmn0.5-xo2 synthesized by a
new sol-gel method. materials chemistry and physics. 2005. 93: 6-9
aidong tang. kelong huang. chunyue pan.
effect of different salts concentrations and cooling form on high salts polymer
electrolyte based on poly(lithium acrylate). transactions of nonferrous
metals society of china. 2005, 15(1), 207-210
aidong tang. kelong huang. electrochemical
properties and structural characterization of layered lixni0.35co0.3mn0.35o2 delta
cathode aterials. materials science & engineering b. 2005.122: 115-120
huaming yang, jing ouyang, aidong tang, yu
xiao, xianwei li, xiaodan dong, yongmei yu, electrochemical synthesis and
photocatalytic property of cuprous oxide nanoparticles. materials research bulletin,
2006, 41 (7): 1310-1318
huaming yang, aidong tang, jing ouyang, mei
li, stephen mann, from natural attapulgite to mesoporous materials:
methodology, characterization and structural evolution. journal of physical
chemistry b, 2010, 114 (7): 2390-2398
huaming yang, jing ouyang, aidong tang,
single step synthesis of high-purity coo nanocrystals. the journal of physical
chemistry b, 2007, 111 (28): 8006-8013
jing ouyang, huaming yang. investigation on
oxygen exchange property and oxygen storage capacity of cexzr1-xo2 nanocrystals,
the journal of physical chemistry c, 2009, 113(1/2): 6921-6928
huaming yang, qiufen tao, xiangchao zhang,
aidong tang, jing ouyang, solid-state synthesis and electrochemical property of
sno2/nio nanomaterials. journal of alloys and compounds, 2008, 459 (1-2): 98-102
huaming yang, jing ouyang, xiaolong zhang,
ning wang, chunfang du, synthesis and optical properties of yttria-doped zro2
nanopowders. journal of alloys and compounds, 2008, 458 (1-2): 474-478