刘剑,工学博士 德国硕士研究生导师,德国莱布尼兹固体和材料研究所。
2006年11月至今 博士后、硕士导师,德国莱布尼兹固体和材料研究所(ifw-dresden)金属所
2003年至2006年 博士,上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院
2000年至2003年 硕士,西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院
1996年至2000年 硕士,西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院
of microstructure and shape of solid materials by external magnetic fields
德意志联邦基金会优先支持项目(dfg priority program, no, spp1239)
liu, nils scheerbaum, dietrich hinz and oliver gutfleisch, martensitic
transformation and magnetic properties in ni-fe-ga-co magnetic shape memory
alloys, acta materialia 56 (2008) 3177-3186.sci影响因子3.760, 被引5次
liu, thomas george woodcock, nils scheerbaum and oliver gutfleisch, influence
of annealing on magnetic field induced structural transformation and
magnetocaloric effect in ni-mn-in-coribbons,acta materialia 57 ,(2009)
4911-4920.sci影响因子3.760, 被引6次
liu, maria krautz, konstantin skokov and oliver gutfleisch, systematic study of
microstructure, entropy change and adiabatic temperature change in optimized
la-fe-si alloys, acta materialia (2011) inpress
zheng, mingxu xia, jian liu, yanlu huang and jianguo li, martensitic
transformation of (ni55.3fe17.6ga27.1)100-xcox magnetic shape memory alloys,
acta materialia 53 (2005) 5125-5129. sci影响因子3.760, 被引17次
scheerbaum, y.w. lai, t. leisegang, m. thomas, j. liu, k. khlopkov, j. mccord,
s. fähler, r.träger, d.c. meyer, l. schultz, and o. gutfleisch,
constraint-dependent twin variant distribution inni2mnga single crystal,
polycrystals and thin film: an ebsd study, acta materialia 58 (2010) 4629-4638.sci影响因子3.760
liu, nils scheerbaum, dietrich hinz and oliver gutfleisch, magnetostructural
transformation inni-mn-in-co ribbons, applied physics letters 92 (2008) 162509.
sci影响因子3.554, 被引10次
liu, nils scheerbaum, julia lyubina and oliver gutfleisch, reversibility of magnetostructural
transition and associated magnetocaloric effect in ni-mn-in-co, applied physics
letters 93 (2008)102512. sci影响因子3.554, 被引11次
liu, nils scheerbaum, sandra weiß and oliver gutfleisch, ni-mn-in-co
single-crystalline particles for msm composites, applied physics letters 95
(2009) 152503. sci影响因子3.554, 被引2次
liu, seda aksoy, nils scheerbaum, mehmet acet, oliver gutfleisch: large
magnetostrain in polycrystalline ni-mn-in-co, applied physics letters 95 (2009)
232515. sci影响因子3.554, 被引1次
cong, stefan roth, jian liu, qiang luo, martin pötschke, claudia hürrich, and
ludwig schultz, superparamagnetic and superspin glass behaviors in the
martensitic state of ni43.5co6.5mn39sn11 magnetic shape memory alloy, applied
physics letters 96 (2010) 112504. sci影响因子3.554, 被引1次
liu, hongxing zheng, mingxu xia, yanlu huang and jianguo li, martensitic
transformation and magnetic properties in heusler coniga magnetic shape memory
alloys, scripta materialia 52 (2005) 935–938. sci 影响因子2.949, 被引23次
liu, hongxing zheng, mingxu xia and jianguo li, the microstructure and
martensitic transformation of co-ni-ga-ta ferromagnetic shape memory alloys,
scripta materialia 52 (2005) 955–958.sci 影响因子2.949, 被引8次
liu, hongxing zheng, yanlu huang, mingxu xia and jianguo li, microstructure and
magnetic field induced strain of directionally solidified ferromagnetic shape
memory conial alloys, scripta materialia 53 (2005) 29–33. sci 影响因子2.949, 被引12次
liu and jianguo li, magnetic force microscopy observations of co-ni-ga and
co-ni-al alloyswith two-phase structures, scripta materialia 55 (2006) 755-758. sci 影响因子2.949, 被引2次
liu and jianguo li, microstructure, superelasticity and fracture behavior in
magnetic shape memory co-ni-ga-fe alloys with two-phase structures, scripta
materialia 56 (2007) 109-112.sci 影响因子2.949, 被引7次
liu, nils scheerbaum, dietrich hinz and oliver gutfleisch, a high-temperature
coupling of martensitic and magnetic transformations and magnetic entropy
change in ni-fe-ga-co alloys, scripta materialia 59 (2008) 1063-1066.sci影响因子2.949, 被引3次
liu, nils scheerbaum and oliver gutfleisch, comparative study of structural and
magnetic properties of bulk and powder ni52fe17ga27co4 magnetic shape memory
alloy, ieee transactions on magnetics 44 (2008) 3025-3027. sci影响因子1.061, 被引1次
liu, hongxing zheng and jianguo li, effect of solidification rate on
microstructure and crystal orientation of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
co-ni-al, materials science and engineering a 438-440 (2006) 1601-1604. sci 影响因子1.901, 被引4次
liu and jianguo li, microstructure, shape memory effect and mechanical
properties of rapidly solidified co-ni-al magnetic shape memory alloys,
materials science and engineering a 454-455 (2007) 423-432. sci 影响因子1.901, 被引4次
zheng, jian liu, mingxu xia and jianguo li, martensitic transformation of
in-doped ni58fe17.5ga27.5 magnetic shape memory alloys, materials science and
engineering a 438-440 (2006)1011-1014.sci 影响因子1.901, 被引3次
liu, hua xie and jianguo li, crystal growth of co46ni27ga27
ferromagnetic shape memory alloys with large single-variant set, journal of
crystal growth 300 (2007) 272-276.sci 影响因子1.534, 被引2次
liu, mingxu xia, yanlu huang, hongxing zheng and jianguo li, effect of
annealing on the microstructure and martensitic transformation of magnetic
shape memory alloys coniga, journal of alloys and compounds 410 (2006) 96-99. sci 影响因子1.973, 被引14次
liu, hua xie, yanqiu huo, hongxing zheng and jianguo li, microstructure
evolution in co-ni-ga shape memory alloys, journal of alloys and compounds 420
(2006) 145-157. sci 影响因子1.973, 被引11次
zheng, mingxu xia, jian liu and jianguo li, martensitic transformation of
ni-fe-gamagnetic shape memory alloys, journal of alloys and compounds 385
(2004) 144-147. sci 影响因子1.973, 被引18次
zheng, mingxu xia, jian liu and jianguo li, martensitic transformation of
highly undercooled ni-fe-ga magnetic shape memory alloys, journal of alloys and
compounds 388 (2004)172-176. sci 影响因子1.973, 被引16次
zheng, jian liu, mingxu xia and jianguo li, martensitic transformation of
ni-fe-ga-(co,ag)magnetic shape memory alloys, journal of alloys and compounds
387 (2005) 265-268. sci 影响因子1.973, 被引18 次
zhang and jian liu, microstructure and mechanical properties in co-ni-ga-al
shape memory alloys with two-phase structure, journal of alloys and compounds
462 (2008) 225-228. sci影响因子1.973, 被引1次
li, jian liu, mengxian zhang and jianguo li, refinement of the γ phase with
melt undercooling in a two-phase co2niga magnetic shape memory alloy, journal
of alloys and compounds 499 (2010) 39-42. sci影响因子1.973
li, jian liu and jianguo li, a novel route for growing single-crystal and internal-stress-induced
martensitic transformation of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
co50ni20ga30,journal of alloys and compounds (2011) in press
liu, yanqiu huo, hongxing zheng and jianguo li, high undercooling effect on
magnetic shape memory co-ni-ga alloys, materials letters 60 (2006) 1693-1696. sci 影响因子1.748, 被引4次
xia, qingge meng, shuguang zhang, jian liu, chaoli ma, and jianguo li,
nd60fe30-xnixal10 bulk metallic glassed with high hard magnetic properties,
materials letters 61 (2007) 219-222.sci影响因子1.940, 被引3 次
scheerbaum, oleg heczko, jian liu, dietrich hinz, ludwig schultz and oliver
gutfleisch,magnetic field-induced twin boundary motion in polycrystalline
ni-mn-ga fibres, new journal of physics 10 (2008) 073002.sci影响因子3.312, 被引7次
li, jian liu, yongjun zhang and jianguo li, effect of denucleating techniques
on undercooling of co2niga alloys, materials transactions 51 (2010) 1973-1976.sci影响因子0.795
huang, jian liu, naiheng ma and jianguo li, three-dimensional analytical model
on laser-powder interaction during laser cladding, journal of laser
applications 18 (2006) 42-46.sci影响因子0.652, 被引8次
xia, hongxing zheng, jian liu, chaoli ma and jianguo li, thermal stability and
glass forming ability of new ti-based bulk metallic glasses,journal of non-crystalline solids 351 (2005) 3747-3751
liu, nils scheerbaum and oliver gutfleisch, magnetic-field-induced reverse
martensitic transformation in ni-mn-in-co ribbons, proc. actuator 2008, 11th
int. conf. on new actuators, bremen, germany (2008) 721-722.sci
liu, julia lyubina and oliver gutfleisch, magnetostructural transition and
magnetocaloric effect in ni-mn-in-(co) alloys, proc. 3rd iif-iir international
conference on magnetic refrigeration at room temperature, des moines, iowa, usa
(2009) 27-32