

余学功,浙江大学副教授、博士生导师、求是青年学者,国家优秀青年基金获得者。1999年浙江大学本科毕业,2004年浙江大学博士毕业,博士毕业论文获得全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖;200210月至20039月在日本信州大学(shinshu university, nagano)教育学部做访问学者;200410月至200710月在德国勃兰登堡工业大学(university of brandenburg technology, cottbus)物理系从事博士后研究工作。200711月至20092月在美国北卡州立大学(north carolina state universityraleigh)从事助理研究员工作。20092月至今在浙江大学材料科学与工程学系任教。现为13个国际刊物的审稿人、国家自然科学基金通讯评议人。在mater. sci. eng.: racs nanonano energyj. mater. chem. asol. energ. mater. sol. cellsappl. phys. lett.等国际重要杂志上发表sci论文100多篇;受邀在国际学术会议上做邀请报告5次,国内学术会议上做邀请报告7次;获国家授权发明专利28项,多项专利技术获得产业化应用。






  1. 曾获得国家自然科学二等奖1项(第四完成人)
  2. 省科学技术一等奖2项(第四完成人)
  3. 省科学技术二等奖1项(第三完成人)





  1. xuegong yu, peng wang, peng chen, xiaoqiang li, and deren yang, suppression of boron–oxygen defects in p-type czochralski silicon by germanium doping, applied physics letters 97 (2010) 051903-1-3
  2. xuegong yu, lihui song, deren yang,martin kittler, and george a. rozgonyi,modulation of 1.5 mm dislocation-related luminescence emitted from a direct silicon bonded interface by external bias, applied physics letters 96 (2010) 211120-1-3
  3. xiaoqiang li, xuegong yu, lihui song, deren yang, and george rozgonyi, effect of nickel contamination on grain boundary states at a direct silicon bonded (110)/(100) interface, scripta materialia 63 (2010) 1100–1103
  4. x. yu, x. li, r. fan, d. yang, m. kittler, m. reiche, m. seibt, and g. rozgonyi, effect of au contamination on the electrical characteristics of a “model” small-angle grain boundary in n-type direct silicon bonded wafer, journal of applied physics 108 (2010) 053719 -1-6
  5. xiaoqiang li, deren yang, xuegong yu, duanlin que, phosphorus gettering of precipitated cu in single crystalline siliconbased on rapid thermal process, journal of crystal growth 312 (2010) 3069–3074
  6. xiaoqiang li, xuegong yu, dong lei, deren yang, and george rozgonyi,effect of iron contamination on grain boundary states at a direct silicon bonded (110)/(100) interface, p hys. status solidi-rrl 4 (2010) 350–352
  7. x. yu, j. lu, g. rozgonyi, capacitance transient and current-/capacitance-voltage study of direct silicon bonded (110)/(100) interface, appl. phys. lett. 92 (2008) 262102-1-3
  8. x. yu, w. seifert, o. vyvenko and m. kittler, minority carrier conductive channel formed at a direct silicon-bonded interfacial grain boundary, scripta materialia 61 (2009) 828-831
  9. x. yu, j. lu, k. youssef and g. rozgonyi, proximity gettering of cu at a (110)/(001) grain boundary interface formed by direct silicon bonding, applied physics letters 94, (2009) 221909-1-3
  10. x. yu, j. lu, g. rozgonyi, deep-level transient spectroscopy study on direct silicon bonded (110)/(100) interfacial grain boundary, semicon. sci. tech. 23 (2008) 125005-1-5
  11. x. yu, w. seifert, o. f. vyvenko, m. kittler, t. wilhelm, m. reiche, a pure 1.5 um  electroluminescence from metal-oxide-silicon tunneling diode using dislocation network, appl. phys. lett. 93, (2008) 041108-1-3
  12. x. yu, j. lu, g. rozgonyi, impact of cu contamination on the electrical properties of a direct silicon bonded (110)/(100) interfacial grain boundary, j. appl. phys. 104, (2008) 113702-1-8
  13. w. wang, d. yang, x. yu, x. ma, d. que, effect of point defects on copper-related deep levels in p-type czochralski silicon, j. appl. phys. 102 (2007) 073521-1-4
  14. x. yu, o. vyvenko, m. kittler, w. seifert, t. mtchedlidze, t. arguirov, m. reiche, combined cl/ebic/dlts investigation of a regular dislocation network formed by si wafer direct bonding, semiconductor, 41 (2007) 458-461.
  15. x. yu, m. kittler, o. f. vyvenko, w. seifert, t. arguirov, m. reiche, lumine -scence of dislocation network in bonded silicon, physica status solidi (c), 4 (2007) 3025-3029
  16. m. kittler, x. yu, t. arguirov, w. seifert, m. seibt, m. reich, t. wilhem, m. seibt, o. voss, a. wolff, w. fritzsche, regular dislocation networks in silicon as a tool for nanostructure devices used in optics, biology, and electronics, small, 3 (2007) pp 964-973
  17. x. yu, o.f. vyvenko, m. reiche, m. kittler, enhancement of ir emission from a dislocation network in si due to an external bias voltage, material science and technology c, 27 (2007) 1026-1029
  18.  x. yu, t. arguirov, m. kittler, w. seifert, m. ratzke and m. reiche, properties of dislocation networks formed by si wafer direct bonding, materials science in semiconductor processing 9 (2006) 96-101
  19. xuegong yu, xiangyang ma, chunlong li, jiansong yang and deren yang, grown-in defects in heavily boron-doped czochralski silicon wafers, jpn. j. appl. phys., 43 (2004) 4082-4087
  20. hongjie wang, deren yang, xuegong yu, xiangyang ma, daxi tian, duanlin que, effect of oxygen precipitates and induced dislocations on oxidationinduced stacking faults in nitrogen-doped czochralski silicon, j. appl. phys., 96 (2004)3031-3033
  21. hong li, deren yang, xuegong yu, and duanlin que, germanium effect on oxygen precipitation in czochralski silicon, j. appl. phys., 96 (2004) 4146-4165
  22. xuegong yu, deren yang, xiangyang ma, yejun shen, daxi tian, duanlin que,  oxidation-induced stacking faults and related grown-in oxygen precipitates in nitrogen-doped czochralski silicon, semicond. sci. technol., 18 (2003) 393-397
  23. xuegong yu, deren yang, xiangyang ma, liben li and duanlin que, hydrogen annealing of grown-in voids in nitrogen-doped czochralski grown silicon, semicond. sci. technol., 18 (2003) 399-403
  24. xuegong yu, deren yang, xiangyang ma, ruixin fan and duanlin que, bipolar structure in thermally treated czochralski silicon wafer, jpn. j. appl. phys., 42 (2003) 1129-1132
  25. xuegong yu, toshinori taishi, xinming huang, deren yang and keigo hoshikawa, dislocation formation in czochralski si crystal growth using an annealed heavily b-doped si seed, jpn. j. appl. phys., 42 (2003) l1299-1301
  26. xuegong yu, deren yang , xiangyang ma, duanlin que, effect of rapid thermal process on oxygen precipitation and denuded zone in nitrogen-doped silicon wafers, microelectronic engineering, 69 (2003) 97-104
  27. xuegong yu, deren yang , xiangyang ma, jin xu, liben li, duanlin que, effect of oxygen precipitation on voids in bulk silicon, microelectronic engineering, 66 (2003) 289-296
  28. xuegong yu, deren yang, ruixin fan, xiangyang ma and duanlin que, bipolar structure of carrier concentration in hydrogen pre-annealing czochralski silicon wafer, physica b, 340-342 (2003) 601-604
  29. xuegong yu, deren yang, xiangyang ma, jiansong yang, duanlin que, grown-in defects in nitrogen-doped czochralski silicon, journal of applied physics, 92 (2002) 188-194
