
personal information

zhenyu huang, professor of mathematics department of mathematics of nanjing university



nanjing university, ph.d. 1996, in mathematics

nanjing university, m.s. 1994, in mathematics

nanjing university, b.s. 1991, in mathematics


academic and research positions

nanjing university: professor, 2006-present

nanjing university: associate professor, 1999-2006

pennsylvania state university (usa): associate professor (non-tenure, fixed-term i), 2000-2003

nanjing university: assistant professor, 1997-1999


visiting positions

short visiting appointments (2 weeks – 2 months):

dalhousie university, canada, 3 weeks, visiting associate professor, 1999

yokohama national university, japan, 3 weeks, visiting associate professor, 1999


national research grants

principal investigator of research grants (no. 10871092 (2009-2011); no. 19801017; no.19910120117), the national natural science foundation of china

principal investigator of research grants, the state education ministry of china

research interests: variational inclusions and variational inequalities problems; fixed point theory and methods; numerical functional analysis; nonlinear functional analysis; operator equations; control theory and optimizations; minimax problems; entropy methods; fast algorithms; ppa (proximal point algorithms); equivalency; stability analysis; error analysis; set-valued analysis.

professional society memberships: american mathematical society

supervision of post-masters’ research:

ph.d. dissertation advisor: nanjing university, 2009—

master theses advisor: 4 graduated, nanjing university, 2000—present

publications (around 30 papers):

mathematical journals (contributions include the following journals):

journal of mathematical analysis and applications

computers & mathematics with applications

applied mathematics letters

applied mathematics and computation

applied mathematics and mechanics—english edition

mathematical and computer modelling

yokohama mathematical journal

reliable computing

journal of mathematical inequalities

international journal of applied mathematics and engineering science

several chinese journals

selected publications from 1996-2007 (cited by others for more than 50 times):

1. zhenyu huang, zuhe shen, entropy method for one sort of nonlinear minimax problem, chinese science bulletin, 41(21) (1996) 1765-1769.

2. zuhe shen, zhenyu huang, m.a. wolfe, an interval maximum entropy method for a discrete minimax problem, applied mathematics and computation, 87(1)(1997) 49-68.

3. zhenyu huang, a new convergence result for fixed-point iteration in bounded interval of rn, computers and mathematics with applications, 34(12)(1997) 33-36.

4. zhenyu huang, an interval entropy penalty method for nonlinear global optimization, reliable computing, 4(1) (1998) 15-25.

5. zhenyu huang, approximating fixed points of φ-hemicontractive mappings by the ishikawa iteration process with errors in uniformly smooth banach spaces, computers and mathematics with applications, 36(2)(1998) 13-21.

6. zhenyu huang, mann and ishikawa iterations with errors for asymptotically nonexpansive mappingscomputers and mathematics with applications, 37(3)(1999), 1-7.

7. zhenyu huang, iterative process with errors for fixed points of multivaluedφ-hemicontractive operators in uniformly smooth banach spacescomputers and mathematics with applications, 39(3-4)(2000), 137-145.

8. zhenyu huang, almost t-stability of the iteration procedures with errors for strongly pseudocontractions in q-uniformly smooth banach spaces without continuity assumptionyokohama math j., 48(1) (2000), 71-82.

9. zhenyu huang, ishikawa iterative process in uniformly smooth banach spaces, applied mathematics and mechanics-english edition, 22(11)(2001), 1306-1310.

10. m.a. noor, t.m. rassias, zhenyu huang, three-step iterations for nonlinear accretive operator equations, journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 274(1)(2002), 59-68.

11. norimichi hirano, zhenyu huang, convergence theorems for multivalued φ-hemicontractive operators and φ-strongly accretive operators, computers and mathematics with applications, 46(2003), 1461-1471.

12. zhenyu huang, a reconsideration on equivalency of convergence between iterations for uniformly l-lipschitzian operators, mathematical and computer modelling, 43(3-4) (2006) 374-376.

13. zhenyu huang, f.bu, m.a. noor, on the equivalence of the convergence criteria between modified mann-ishikawa and multi-step iterations with errors for successively strongly pseudo-contractive operators, applied mathematics and computation, 180(2)(2006), 641-647.

14. zhenyu huang, weak stability of mann and ishikawa iterations with errors for hemicontractive operators, applied mathematics letters, 20(2007)470-475.

15. zhenyu huang, f.bu, the equivalence between the convergence of ishikawa and mann iterations with errors for strongly successively pseudocontractive mappings without lipschitzian assumptions, journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 325(2007) 586-594.

16. zhenyu huang, equivalence theorems of the convergence between ishikawa and mann iterations with errors for generalized strongly successively pseudocontractive mappings without lipschitzian assumptions, journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 329(2007) 935-947.

17. zhenyu huang, m.a. noor, equivalency of convergence between one-step iteration algorithm and two-step iteration algorithm of variational inclusions for h-monotone mappings, computers and mathematics with applications, 53 (2007) 1567-1571.

18. zhenyu huang, m.a. noor, an explicit projection method for a system of nonlinear variational inequlities with different cocoercive mappings, applied mathematics and computation, 190 (2007) 356-361.

19. zhenyu huang, m.a. noor, some new unified iteration schemes with errors for nonexpansive mappings and variational inequlities, applied mathematics and computation, 194 (2007) 135-142.

for a list of publications, please see mathscinet ().


professional services

1. reviewer for the state education ministry of china to decide whom should be given national research grants, more than 30 applications reviewed, 2004--present

2. editorial board:

member of editorial boards of the following journals:

international journal of numerical methods and applications, 2009-2012 (pushpa publishing house)

past editorial boards:

journal of applied mathematics and computing, 2000-04 (springer-verlag)

3. evaluator for professorship promotions invited by more than ten universities in china, 2004—

4. external examiner for ph.d. dissertations:

comsats institute of information technology, pakistan, 2009

university of kalyani, india, 2004

several chinese universities, 2004-present

external examiner for master theses by more than ten universities, china,2003—

5. reviewer for:

mathematical reviews (americal mathematical society), 1997- present , with more than 40 reviews

