
on the law of gravitation in general form
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作者: :昆明物理研究所,昆明,中国
关键词: ;;;;;;;;;
摘要: 介绍了量纲关系“能量 ≡ 质量 × (速度) × (速度)”的推导过程。从基本量纲关系推导了牛顿第二运动定律。基于力的概念和立体角的概念,推导了一般形式的引力定律,即一个质量体在空间某一点处的引力值与该质量体的质量平方成正比、与质量体和该点之间的距离平方成反比,其特例是牛顿万有引力定律。讨论了引力的动态变化。讨论了引力守恒和引力的无限可稀释性。分析了引力与时间的关系。介绍了基本引力禀性常数(γ)的概念,其基本含义是1kg质量所对应的引力有多少n(牛顿)。基本引力禀性常数γ与引力常数和普朗克常数的乘积成正比、与光速成反比,其量纲为n/kg,量值估计为γ= ζ × 1.4798 × 10−52 (n/kg),其中ζ是一个待定常系数。
abstract: the derivation process of the dimensional relationship “energy ≡ mass × (speed) × (speed)” is presented. newton’s second law of motion is derived from the basic dimensional relationships. based on the concepts of force and solid angle, the law of gravitation in general form is derived, that is, the gravity value of a mass body at a certain point in space is directly proportional to the square of the mass, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the mass body and the point; and its special case is newton’s law of universal gravitation. the dynamic change of gravity is discussed. the conservation of gravity and the infinite dilubility of gravity are discussed. the relationship between gravity and time is analyzed. the concept of fundamental gravitational intrinsic constant (γ) is proposed. its basic meaning is how much n (newton) the gravity corresponding to 1kg mass is. the fundamental gravitational intrinsic constant γ is directly proportional to the product of gravitational constant g and planck’s constant, and inversely proportional to the light speed; its dimension is n/kg and its value is estimated to beγ= ζ × 1.4798 × 10−52 (n/kg), in which ζ is a constant coefficient to be determined.
文章引用:王忆锋. 论一般形式的引力定律[j]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-14.


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