
composition and basic functions of stem cells in stem cell niches under the lens of traditional chinese medicine—stem cell niches and their communities are the acupoints of the meridian system
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作者: :江苏润华冷冻食品有限公司,江苏 兴化
关键词: ;;君臣佐使;;;;;;;;;;; minister;;;;;;;;
摘要: 经络是各种干细胞活动交流、协同进化的巨系统,主要表现为干细胞巢的出现以及不同种类干细胞巢的有序分布。在中医药物归经理论和君臣佐使理论的启发下,应用取类比象、隐喻认知的思维方法,作者认识到干细胞巢及其群落,不但是大多数种类成体干细胞赖以长期生存、更新分化的主要场所,而且是决定大中小血管和神经等细胞组织为什么各自具有特定解剖结构功能形态的基本单位,神经和大中小血管等都可以细分为一个个相对独立的“细胞组织单元”,其主要构成细胞的新陈代谢及其结构功能是由特定的干细胞巢统辖决定的。反过来说,通过解剖观察大中小血管和神经等中存在的主要构成细胞,就能得知相应干细胞巢中的干细胞组成及其基本功能。作者以此为突破口,重新认识理解中医理论中真气(为全能细胞embryonic stem cell,es胚胎干细胞)和元气(为embryonic germ cell,eg胚胎干细胞,划分为七种)在经络内的功能行为,进一步阐释了经络的形成与进化规律,初步探讨了循经感传现象的机理和传统针灸理论。希望本文能够引起国内外干细胞研究者、经络研究者等的关注和研究兴趣,共同促进中西医理论逐渐融合为统一的科学理论。
abstract: the meridian system of traditional chinese medicine (tcm) is a giant system for various stem cell activities, communications and co-evolutions, mainly manifesting as the appearance and orderly distribution of different stem cell niches. inspired by the tcm theories of “meridian attribution” and “monarch, minister, assistant and envoy”, with the help of analogy by classification (a traditional pattern of thinking in tcm) and metaphorical cognition, the author recognizes that stem cell niches and their communities are not only the main place where a majority of adult stem cells survive, renew and differentiate, but also the basic unit that determines why large, medium and small blood vessels and nerves each have a specific anatomical structure and functional form. nerves and large, medium and small blood vessels can be subdivided into "cell tissue units" that are relatively independent, and their metabolism, structure and function are governed by specific stem cell niches. conversely, we can acquire information on the composition and basic functions of stem cells by dissecting and observing the main cells composing large, medium and small blood vessels and nerves. therefore, it can be taken as a breakthrough to re-understand and understand the function and behavior of genuine qi (known as embryonic stem cells) and original qi (known as embryonic germ cells that can be divided into seven types) in the tcm meridian system, further explaining the formation and evolution of the meridians, and initially discussing the mechanism of the propagated sensation along the channels and the traditional acupuncture theory. this review is attempted to arouse the attention and interest of researchers engaged in stem cells and meridians, thereby promoting the gradual coverage of chinese and western medical theories into a unified scientific theory.
文章引用:张建新. 从中医角度探讨干细胞巢内的干细胞组成及其基本功能——干细胞巢及其群落就是经络系统的腧穴[j]. 汉斯预印本, 2021, 6(1): 1-13.


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