
iterative shrink threshold differential privacy algorithm based on gradient perturbation and bb step size
doi: , , ,    国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 苑文丽, 彭定涛*:贵州大学,数学与统计学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: ;;;;;;;
摘要: 本文研究隐私保护下带有非凸正则的经验风险极小化问题,其中损失函数是凸函数,正则项 为mcp函数。提出了基于梯度扰动和barzilar-borwein (bb)步长的迭代收缩阈值差分隐私算法(istdp)。 首先,基于算法每次迭代均对梯度添加高斯噪声,证明了该算法具有差分隐私保护性质。 其次,基于以bb步长做试探步进行线搜索的迭代收缩阁值算法,证明了该算法可以收敛于任意给定的精度。因此,istdp算法是一种可以满足隐私保护要求的机器学习优化算法。
abstract: in this paper, we study the problem of empirical risk minimization with nonconvex regularization under privacy protection, where the loss function is a convex function and the regular term is the mcp function. an iterative shrinkage threshold difference privacy algorithm (istdp) based on gradient perturbation and barzir-borwein (bb) step size is proposed. first, istdp algorithm is proved to have the property of differential privacy protection since gauss noise is added to the gradient for each iteration in the algorithm. secondly, it is proved that the istdp algorithm can converge at any given accuracy due to the fact that istdp algorithm adopts an iterative shrinkage threshold algorithm together with a line search beginning with bb step size. therefore, istdp algorithm is a kind of machine learning optimization algorithm which can satisfy the requirement of privacy protection.
文章引用:苑文丽, 彭定涛. 基于梯度扰动和bb步长的迭代收缩阈值差分隐私算法[j]. 应用数学进展, 2023, 12(1): 183-202.


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