
on descriptive rules for bibliographic references
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作者: 王亮宇:苏州大学传媒学院,江苏 苏州;骆鑫雨, 孙 悦, 郭朗睿*, 王 芹:苏州大学社会学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 参考文献引用格式学术论文gb/t 7714-2015references citation format academic theses gb/t 7714-2015
摘要: 学术论文写作中规范地对参考文献进行著录,是严谨学术态度的体现,也是学术生态风清气正的保障之一。对参考文献中各著录项目进行合乎标准的著录,能够准确地表达参考文献信息。以gb/t 7714-2015《信息与文献参考文献著录规则》为标准,对典型及非典型参考文献著录中常见问题进行梳理,并反思存在的症结,从而促进学术论文参考文献规范著录的发展。
abstract: the normative description of references in the writing of academic theses is not only the embodi-ment of rigorous academic attitude, but also one of the guarantees of clean and positive academic ecology. the standard description of each description item in the reference can accurately express the reference information. basedon gb/t 7714-2015 information and documentation-rules for bib-liographic references and citations to information resources, we sort out the common problems in the description of typical and atypical references, reflecting on the existing cruxes to promote the development of standardized description of academic theses’ references.
文章引用:王亮宇, 骆鑫雨, 孙悦, 郭朗睿, 王芹. 论参考文献著录规范[j]. 汉斯预印本, 2023, 8(1): 1-8.


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