judicial guarantee for synergies in pollution reduction and carbon reduction
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刘芯玮:贵州大学法学院,贵州 贵阳
摘要: 全面推动实现减污降碳协同增效是助力“双碳”目标实现、适应经济高质量发展、建成美丽中国的必然要求。实现这一目标并非易事,不仅需要在立法层面加以完善,在执法方面进行协调,还需要在司法领域提供强有力的保障。目前,我国司法机关在处理环境资源纠纷案件,特别是涉碳纠纷案件中,由于立法的滞后性等原因,表现得力不从心。因此,在减污降碳协同增效目标指引下,本文通过分析其实现的重大意义,阐述司法机关在处理涉碳纠纷中的困境,明确司法应如何为减污降碳提供强有力的保障。具体而言,应发挥环境资源审判职能作用,依法审理涉碳纠纷案件及推进环境司法改革创新。
comprehensively promoting the realization of synergies in pollution reduction and carbon reduction is an inevitable requirement to help achieve the “dual carbon” goal, adapt to high-quality economic development, and build a beautiful china. achieving this goal will not be easy and will require not only improvement at the legislative level, coordination in law enforcement, but also strong guarantees in the judicial sphere. at present, china’s judicial organs have shown incompetence in handling environmental and resource dispute cases, especially those involving carbon disputes, due to the lag of legislation and other reasons. therefore, under the guidance of the goal of pollution reduction and carbon reduction synergy, this paper analyzes the great significance of its realization, explains the dilemma of judicial authorities in handling carbon-related disputes, and clarifies how the judiciary should provide a strong guarantee for pollution and carbon reduction. specifically, the role of environmental resources adjudication should be brought into play, and cases involving carbon disputes should be tried in accordance with the law, and environmental judicial reform and innovation should be promoted.
文章引用:刘芯玮. 减污降碳协同增效的司法保障[j]. 法学, 2023, 11(4): 2160-2165.
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