
properties and propagation forms of photons in electric field, magnetic field and electromagnetic field
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作者: 陈军利:西北工业大学电子信息学院,西安
关键词: 电场磁场电磁场光子electric field magnetic field electromagnetic field photon
摘要: 目前典型的光子产生机制是原子核外电子在不同的能级之间跃迁产生的,可以认为光子是一种带有电子特性(负电荷)的微粒子。量子力学认为传递电磁作用的媒介子为光子,本文通过对比认为:光子的直线传播形成电场,光子的环形传播形成磁场,光子的圆柱螺旋线传播形成电磁场。电场和磁场是光子不同运动形式的表现。电场、磁场、电磁场对处于场中的带电粒子有力的作用,带电粒子带负电时,这个力的方向与光子的运行方向相反,带电粒子失去电子带正电时,这个力的方向与光子的运行方向相同,带电粒子受力的大小与带电粒子与场中光子相遇处,带电粒子电量和场中对应点光子电量的乘积成正比。
abstract: the current typical photon generation mechanism is the transition of electrons outside the nucleus between different energy levels. it can be considered that photon is a kind of particle with electron-ic characteristics (negative charge).quantum mechanics thinks that the mediator that transmits electromagnetic effects is photon, and this paper considers by comparison: the linear propagation of photon forms an electric field, the circular propagation of photon forms a magnetic field, and the cy-lindrical helical propagation of photon forms an electromagnetic field. electric and magnetic fields are manifestations of different motion forms of photons. the electric field, magnetic field, and elec-tromagnetic field have a forceful effect on the charged particles in the field. when the charged par-ticle is negatively charged, the direction of this force is opposite to that of the photon. when the charged particle loses electrons and becomes positively charged, the direction of this force is the same as that of the photon. in the same direction, the magnitude of the force on the charged particle is proportional to the product of the electric charge of the charged particle and the electric charge of the photon at the corresponding point in the field at the place where the charged particle meets the photon in the field.
文章引用:陈军利. 电场、磁场、电磁场中光子的性质和传播形式[j]. 汉斯预印本, 2023, 8(1): 1-11.


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