
proximal gradient algorithm for a class of mixed sparse and group sparse optimization problems
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作者: 童兴华, 彭定涛*, 张 弦:贵州大学, 数学与统计学院, 贵州 贵阳
关键词: 邻近梯度算法;;;;;;
摘要: 本文研究了一类混合稀疏组稀疏优化问题,其中损失函数为光滑凸函数,正则项为稀疏l1范数与组稀疏lα,p(α ≥ 1, p > 0)范数的组合。 首先,提出了邻近梯度算法求解此混合稀疏组稀疏优化问题。其次,分别讨论了凸(p ≥ 1)和非凸(0 < p < 1)两种情况下算法的收敛性。 最后,对于非凸问 题,在α = 1,时给出组合惩罚项邻近算子的闭式解。 本文结果为求解混合稀疏组稀疏优化问题提供了理论依据和可行途径。
abstract: this paper investigates a class of mixed sparse and group sparse optimization problems in which the loss function is a smooth and convex function, and the regularization term is a combination of the sparse l1 norm and the group sparse lα,p norm (α ≥ 1, p > 0). firstly, we propose a proximal gradient algorithm to solve this class of mixed sparse optimization problems. secondly, we discuss the convergence properties in both convex (p ≥ 1) and non-convex (0 < p < 1) scenarios. for non-convex problems, closed-form solutions of the proximal operators to the mixed penalty can be obtained when α = 1, . the result provides a theoretical foundation and a feasible approach for solving mixed sparse and group sparse optimization problems.
文章引用:童兴华, 彭定涛, 张弦. 一类混合稀疏组稀疏优化问题的邻近梯度算法[j]. 运筹与模糊学, 2023, 13(6): 7598-7611.


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