
relatively compact siegel diskswith boundaries of positive area
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作者: 孙丹隽, 曲宏宇:北京邮电大学理学院,北京
关键词: ;;;;;
摘要: perez-marco用管状黎曼曲面构造了具有c边界的相对紧siegel盘。cheritat改进了此技术, 并且构造了具有伪圆边界的相对紧siegel盘。本文基于此技术构造了具有正面积边界相对 紧siegel盘的全纯映射。给出的例子定义域为复平面的子集。
abstract: perez-marco used tube-log riemann surfaces to construct relatively compact siegel disks with c boundaries. cheritat developed the technique and constructed rela- tively compact siegel disks with pseudo-cirle boundaries. in this paper, based on the technique, we construct holomorphic maps with relatively compact siegel disks whose boundaries have positive area. the examples are defined on a subset of ℂ.
文章引用:孙丹隽, 曲宏宇. 具有正面积边界的相对紧siegel盘[j]. 理论数学, 2024, 14(2): 799-806.


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