
simulation and optimization of vehicle access control system for gated community facing urban main road
doi: , ,    国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 邱 乾*, 李 军*:中山大学工学院
关键词: ;;;;
摘要: 分析了直接开向城市主干道带门禁系统的小区出入口车辆运行特点,建立信号和门禁控制下的车辆排队模型,利用gpss语言编程仿真分析,给出了多场景下交通流状态评价准则。以中山大学南校区南门出入口为案例,分析了门禁位置与效率对通行能力与延误的影响,给出了不同场景下的优化设置方案。
abstract: the characteristics of the vehicle flow on community entrances opening directly to city main roads are analyzed, vehicle queue system model under signal and access controlled is proposed, gpss programming language is utilized to realize simulation under the different scenarios to evaluate the design of vehicle access control system. a case study of the south gate of south campus of sun yat-sen university is presented; the impacts of position and efficiency of access control is evaluated, and the optimization strategies for different scenarios are proposed.
文章引用:邱乾, 李军. 开向城市主干道的小区出入口门禁系统仿真与优化[j]. 建模与仿真, 2012, 1(1): 33-38.

