肺结节的中西医诊治研究进展research progress on the diagnosis and treatment of lung nodules in chinese and western medicine
中医学 vol.13 no.4, april 28 2024, , , doi: 被引量
中药治疗病毒后间质性肺纤维化的系统性评价和meta分析traditional chinese medicine in the treatment of post-viral interstitial pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
李亚玲, 李竹英
临床个性化医学 vol.3 no.3, september 3 2024, , , doi: 被引量
搅拌针偏移量影响铝镁异质金属搅拌摩擦焊材料流动的数值模拟numerical simulation study of the influence of the offset of the stirring pin on the material flow in friction stir welding of aluminum and magnesium dissimilar alloy
孙汇彬, 李亚玲, 马朝平, 宋绍峰, 曾 容, 吴 昊
材料科学 vol.14 no.5, may 31 2024, , , doi: 被引量
课程思政数字化建设与实践——以《机械制造基础》为例digital construction and practice of course ideology and politics—taking “fundamentals of mechanical manufacturing” as an example
李亚玲, 袁 秋, 戈 莎, 马朝平, 曾 行
职业教育发展 vol.13 no.5, september 23 2024, , , doi: 被引量
成分波动工况下17crnimo6钢的渗碳热动力学分析thermodynamic analysis of carburizing of 17crnimo6 steel under compositional fluctuation conditions
宋绍峰, 李亚玲, 孙汇彬, 马朝平, 袁 秋
材料科学 vol.14 no.11, november 8 2024, , , doi: 被引量
中职生学校归属感现状及特点——以某中职学校为例current situation and characteristics of secondary vocational schools—a case study of a secondary vocational school
心理学进展 vol.13 no.7, july 24 2023, , , doi: 被引量
模因论视角下中文广告语篇中的英语缩略语研究a brief investigation into english abbreviations embedded in chinese ads from the perspective of memetics
侯环环, 王文琴
现代语言学 vol.1 no.3, november 22 2013, , , doi: 被引量
河南土壤中的三种镰刀菌three species of fusarium isolated from soil in henan province
翟妮平, 马乐乐, 耿月华, 毛雪伟, 徐 超, 臧 睿, 张 猛
土壤科学 vol.6 no.3, july 13 2018, , , doi: 被引量
基于swot分析对商洛市森林康养产业发展对策研究research on the development strategy of forest health in shangluo city based on swot analysis
孟 鑫, 甘明旭, 李美琦
农业科学 vol.12 no.11, november 21 2022, , , doi: 被引量
肺结核患者出院准备度影响因素研究进展a study of the current status of readiness for discharge and factors influencing it in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
杨 慧, 彭 静, 胡玲利, 王小莉
护理学 vol.13 no.5, may 27 2024, , , doi: 被引量