基于量纲分析从物理和数学角度推导光速原理derivation of the principle of light speed from physical and mathematical perspectives based on dimensional analysis
现代物理 vol.9 no.4, july 22 2019, , , doi: 被引量
光速原理及其推论on the principle of light speed and its inferences
现代物理 vol.9 no.5, september 4 2019, , , doi: 被引量
试析网上常见的一个e = mc2推导过程中的错误an analysis for the error of a common derivation process of e = mc2 on the internet
现代物理 vol.9 no.6, november 5 2019, , , doi: 被引量
试析不确定性原理与物质波概念之间的矛盾an analysis of the contradiction between the principle of uncertainty and the concept of material wave
现代物理 vol.9 no.6, november 11 2019, , , doi: 被引量
论一般形式的引力定律on the law of gravitation in general form
汉斯预印本 vol.5 no.1, november 20 2020, , , doi: 被引量
普朗克常数不具有唯一性planck’s constant is not of uniqueness
汉斯预印本 vol.7 no.1, march 15 2022, , , doi: 被引量
不规则区域上poisson方程的蒙特卡洛马尔科夫链方法求解the method of monte carlo markov chain for solving the poisson equation on irregular domain
郑成丰, 闫志忠
应用数学进展 vol.8 no.2, february 1 2019, , , doi: 被引量
量子点的制备及分散性研究进展research progress on preparation and dispersion of quantum dots
曹 源, 马向东, 刘军库
材料科学 vol.11 no.10, october 26 2021, , , doi: 被引量