“矛调中心”的功能解构与路径优化——以结构功能主义理论为视角functional deconstruction and path optimization of “center for mediation and resolution of conflicts and disputes”—from the perspective of structural functionalism theory
张 佳
法学 vol.10 no.3, may 20 2022, , , doi: 被引量
金融股票分析师的建议真的有投资价值吗?——来自中国证券市场的一个实证报告do the analysts’ recommendations really mean something?——an empirical study from the chinese stock market
统计学与应用 vol.3 no.2, june 10 2014, , , doi: 被引量
福岛事故后对国内严重事故管理发展的思考 thinking of severe accident management development in china after the fukushima accident
核科学与技术 vol.2 no.3, july 15 2014, , , doi: 被引量
帕金森患者应用问题导向干预模式的护理效果及对认知功能与预后的影响nursing effect of problem-oriented intervention model and its effect on cognitive function and prognosis in patients with parkinson’s disease
陈 虹, 张 佳
护理学 vol.9 no.1, january 10 2020, , , doi: 被引量
我国乡村振兴的实施——基于县市关系的宪法思考the implementation of rural revitalization in china—constitutional thinking based on the relationship between county and city
法学 vol.8 no.3, june 5 2020, , , doi: 被引量
企业高管薪酬与财务绩效的关系——基于信息技术行业的数据the relationship between executive compensation and financial performance—based on data from the information technology industry
社会科学前沿 vol.10 no.1, january 28 2021, , , doi: 被引量
房产、阶层认同对主观幸福感的影响研究research on the influence of real estate and class identity on subjective well-being
运筹与模糊学 vol.12 no.2, may 6 2022, , , doi: 被引量
媒体多任务对元认知监测的影响effects of media multitasking on metacognitive monitoring
心理学进展 vol.12 no.6, june 16 2022, , , doi: 被引量
父母过度教养对儿童青少年心理发展的影响the impact of over-parenting on the psychological development of children and adolescents
社会科学前沿 vol.12 no.5, may 31 2023, , , doi: 被引量
文旅行业违法所得认定问题立法研究——以《文化市场综合行政执法事项指导目录(2021年版)》为蓝本legislative research on the identification of illegal income in cultural tourism industry—based on the guidance catalogue of comprehensive administrative law enforcement matters in cultural market (2021 edition)
法学 vol.11 no.6, november 29 2023, , , doi: 被引量