论人历史发展中的价值选择性与规律性discuss the selectivity of human value and regularity in historical development
哲学进展 vol.4 no.2, june 10 2015, , , doi: 被引量
外交话语中“关系”隐喻的互文性研究a study of intertexuality on the “relationship” metaphor in diplomatic discourse
现代语言学 vol.5 no.2, may 12 2017, , , doi: 被引量
并列•关联•比较成分话题化 —the more x, the more y构式认知研究coordination, correlation and topicalization—a cognitive study of the more x, the more y construction
现代语言学 vol.5 no.3, june 22 2017, , , doi: 被引量
农村“厕所革命”的实施现状与进展研究research on the implementation status and progress of “toilet revolution” in rural areas
社会科学前沿 vol.12 no.3, march 23 2023, , , doi: 被引量
基于概念整合理论下的维吾尔语谚语的意义建构the meaning construction of uyghur proverbs based on conceptual blending theory
现代语言学 vol.11 no.4, april 13 2023, , , doi: 被引量
夫妻共同生产经营之债的认定——以连带债务为逻辑起点the identification of the debts of the joint production and operation of spouses—taking joint and several debts as the logical starting point
争议解决 vol.10 no.4, april 29 2024, , , doi: 被引量
新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的防治进展advantage of prevention and treatment in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
张立明, 王娜
亚洲儿科病例研究 vol.1 no.1, february 28 2013, , , doi: 被引量
喷射流的变化对喷丸强度的影响influence of shot stream change on shot peening intensity
张 立, 陈再良
机械工程与技术 vol.4 no.2, june 15 2015, , , doi: 被引量
基于风幕控尘除尘的综掘面粉尘治理研究study on dust control of comprehensive excavation face based on air curtain dust control and dust removal
张立祥, 方 振
建模与仿真 vol.11 no.3, may 19 2022, , , doi: 被引量
中医治疗儿童缺铁性贫血现状研究current status of chinese medicine treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children
赵 玉, 张立东
中医学 vol.12 no.3, march 29 2023, , , doi: 被引量